Eyelash extensions are nothing short of one of the most popular beauty treatments available. They rose in demand around 2019 and haven’t yet waned in terms of trend.
People love them for the subtle or dramatic way they can change your look, and because they’re so beautiful, it’s no wonder why people try to preserve their sets for as long as possible.
That being said, it can be frustrating when you find your extensions on your cheeks, fingertips, pillowcase after you sleep, etc. Extensions coming loose is expected. Excessive fall, however, definitely isn’t.
There is a slew of reasons as to why your extensions may be falling, and it’s important to discern what the cause is so you can tell if it’s something normal or something to be addressed.
So, why are your eyelash extensions falling out? Your eyelash extensions falling out could be due to the growth cycle of your natural lashes, the use of an incompatible makeup remover, wearing eye makeup, or even improper application of the extensions themselves.
In this article, we’ll dive into all of the reasons listed above, and more, so you can get to the bottom of your eyelash extensions falling (and we’ll even let you know how to make them last even longer next time around).
Top Reasons Your Eyelash Extensions Are Falling Out
Here are some of the most popular reasons why you’re noticing your extensions loosening. These will be especially common if you’re just starting out on your eyelash extension journey.
The Natural Eyelash Shedding Process
Eyelash extensions are attached to your natural lashes, which means that when it comes time for your real hairs to fall, your extensions have no choice but to call it quits as well.
There are three phases of growth your eyelashes undergo:
- Anagen, the growing phase
- Catagen, the degradation phase
- Telogen, the resting phase
The last stage is the longest, around 100 days, and is likely the timeframe in which your lashes will fall (however, it could happen at any point).
Because so many of your eyelashes grow in at similar times, it’s normal to lose around five in a single day (with eyelash extensions in, this could mean losing 10 a day – 5 natural, 5 extensions).
Mascara Use
There’s a lot of misconception when it comes to wearing mascara with eyelash extensions. Some say it’s totally fine, while others avoid it at all costs. We’re here to clear the air: you can wear mascara with eyelash extensions, with some things in mind.
Only use mascara if you have a classic set of lashes, mascara of any kind on a volumizing set can cause some serious extension fall. Also, only use water-based mascara (we like this one from Alluring). These formulas are much kinder on your extensions and adhesive and can wash away much easier than a waterproof formula.
Using waterproof mascara on eyelash extensions is one of the most common reasons for eyelash fall.
Because the formula is so tough, it tends to stick your lashes together with your natural hairs and involves a more abrasive removal procedure for a thorough cleaning, which sacrifices some of your lash extensions in the process.
Mixing oils and glue is a definite no-no, and the glue that’s keeping your extensions in place is no exception!
Avoid the use of oil-based makeup removers. They’re regarded as some of the most potent cosmetic removers on the market, but they’ll be so good at their job that they may take some of your extensions along with your makeup!
Instead, go for micellar water, which can take off makeup just as effectively, but keep your eyelashes intact.
Those with oily skin may find that their lashes don’t last as long as they should as well. You can remedy this would oil-fighting skincare, and by letting your lash tech know of your skin type (they may have an adhesive that works a little better for you).
Why Do My Eyelash Extensions Fall Out So Quickly?
If you’re noticing that your eyelashes are falling out at a more expedited rate than they usually do, especially if you’ve been getting your lashes done for a while, it could be due to:
Improper Application
The better the application process, the longer your eyelash extensions will last and vice versa. If done incorrectly, you may notice some excessive hair fall.
Here are some telltale signs of poor lash extension application:
- You can see the glue. Regardless of how dramatic or natural you want your extensions to be, you should never be able to see the glue holding your extensions in place.
- Your appointment is too fast. Expect to be in the chair for an hour and a half to two hours before your extensions are all done. If your tech says you’re all done in an hour or less, they likely didn’t do a thorough enough job.
- Your eyes are irritated, itching, aggressively red, or burning. Enough said.
- Your extensions look tangled. If your eyelashes are crossing one another or are patchy and can’t be remedied by taking a spoolie to them, they likely won’t last long.
Make sure to do your research before booking an appointment with a new lash technician. Try finding someone your friends/family recommend, and make sure to read through their reviews before entrusting them with your eyes.
Dampened After Application
Your lash technician should give you a list of things that you can/can’t do 24 hours after your extensions. It’s important that you follow these, or lash fall is almost guaranteed to happen. The most common mistake to make is getting your eyelashes wet after application.
Avoid showering, moisture (humid weather, saunas, etc.), and crying or tearing up for a day after your appointment. Your glue needs ample time to set, and any hydration could disrupt that.
Keep your hands off your lashes as much as you can! Here’s why:
- The oils from your hands could ruin the adhesive
- You could rub or pull your extensions from your natural hairs
- You could cause tangling of your lashes
This isn’t just advice you should follow immediately after application, but rather for the duration of you having your lashes in. A touch here and there is fine, but it isn’t something you should make a habit of. If you have to touch your lashes for whatever reason, be mindful and gentle.
How Much Is Too Much?
As we mentioned earlier, it’s only expected that your lashes will fall, especially if you’ve had the same set in for a while. To make sure you have nothing to be worried about, keep an eye on how much fall you’re noticing in a single day.
Anything more than 5 extensions falling a day is too much. Take a close look at each hair and ensure if it’s natural hair or an extension (natural hairs will have a white plug at one end). If you’re losing more, make a switch in your routine or a switch in your technician.
How Long Do Lash Extensions Last?
That being said, the longer you keep the same set of extensions in, the more fall you’ll notice in a single day. A single set should last you 6-8 weeks. The closer you get to that 8-week mark, the more prone your lashes are to falling during a shower, sleep, or a quick eye rub.
How To Make Lash Extensions Last Longer
Now that you know why your lash extensions are falling out, here are some ways you can keep them looking their best for longer:
- Clean and detangle your lashes daily. You don’t need to buy a special cleanser for your lashes; any foaming, oil-free cleanser will do. Baby shampoo is also a great choice. As for detangling, opt for a clean spoolie. You can buy these in bulk, or clean an old mascara wand.
- Sleep on your back. If you’re a side or belly sleeper, it may be hard to break this habit, but keeping your face smushed against a pillow is a surefire way to lodge your extensions out of place.
- Keep makeup light. Specifically, your eye makeup. The great part about eyelash extensions is that you can forego mascara, which can speed up lash loss. The easier your makeup is to remove, the less likely it is to disrupt your mascara.
- Schedule fills and do them! With eyelash extensions, any sort of hair fall can leave you with patchy, uneven-looking lashes. Getting fills done every 2-3 weeks can ensure that your lashes are looking even and full and take care of any areas that are looking a little sparse.
Final Thoughts
Eyelash extensions are an incredible, easily accessible way of boosting your confidence. Your extensions falling, however, can definitely put a damper on your day.
There are a number of reasons why your extensions may be falling, including oily skin, excessive touching, mascara-application, and even humid weather.
By ensuring that you’re going to a trusted lash technician, and that you’re taking the best care of your lashes as you can, you can make sure that your extensions last as long as possible.
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