Home Skincare Can You Put Aloe Vera Gel On Your Vag After Shaving?

Can You Put Aloe Vera Gel On Your Vag After Shaving?

by Gabbi
Aloe Vera Gel

Shaving your pubic area is a staple in many women’s self-care routines, but it’s not painless. We’ve all probably experienced it at some point – the redness, the bumps, the itchiness, and sometimes even painful ingrown hairs.

These are all unintended consequences of shaving your bikini area. The skin in that area is so delicate and the hairs can be so thick that shaving them often leads to irritation.

If you deal with this regularly, you’re probably itching (no pun intended) for a solution.

And you’ve probably looked at the wide range of lotions and creams on the market, but you know better than to put them down there. Most lotions are full of fragrances, alcohols, and other chemicals that you don’t want to put anywhere near your vag. 

Perhaps you’ve even given up on the idea of soothing your razor burn because it’s better to live with it than to bring the wrath of a yeast infection upon your lady bits.

Luckily, there is an all-natural pH-balanced gel known for its amazing skin-soothing benefits. We’re talking about aloe vera, of course!

So, can you put aloe vera gel on your vag after shaving? Turns out, you can! Because aloe vera is in the same pH range as your vagina, and it has a lot of soothing compounds, it is safe to use around your privates, as long as you don’t have a latex allergy and as long as you’re using pure aloe vera.

In this article, we will get into the details of how to use it after shaving, what type of aloe products to avoid, and how you can prevent razor burn in the future.

What Is Aloe Vera?

Aloe vera is a plant that grows in warm areas and in many indoor planters across the world. Aloe is incredibly easy to take care of and grows with minimal watering, making it a popular choice for novice indoor plant enthusiasts. It loves the sun and thrives when placed on a south-facing windowsill.

It is known for the gel that it stores inside of its long spiky leaves. This gel has been used for many centuries to treat a wide range of skin conditions.

It is now a popular ingredient in a lot of different skincare products, as well as wellness drinks and supplements. 

You can find aloe vera gel at most drugstores. It’s often sold as a treatment for sunburns, although it helps with so much more than that.

You can extract aloe vera gel directly from the plant if you have access to one. It makes an easy DIY topical treatment for common skin concerns. Just cut a leaf off, squeeze the gel out, and voila!

Benefits Of Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is famous for its skincare benefits and has been used by people for centuries as a skin cure-all. In fact, it was first mentioned on a Mesopotamian tablet in 2100 BC!

Here are just a few things that aloe vera can do:

  • Soothe skin irritation
  • Moisturize skin
  • Prevent peeling after a sunburn
  • Heal cuts and burns
  • Speed up skin cell renewal
  • Reduce dandruff
  • Heal herpes sores
  • Act as an antibacterial
  • Act as an antioxidant
  • Balance skin pH

As you can see, it’s really good at treating all sorts of common skin ailments. It’s no wonder that women swear by it for their razor burns.

Can You Make Aloe Vera Gel At Home?

If you’re interested in all the benefits aloe vera has to offer but you don’t want to pay for products that aren’t pure, why not make your own?

Here’s a great tutorial from UnivHair Soleil on YouTube that will teach you to make and store your own pure and natural aloe vera gel.

A Word Of Caution

Although aloe vera works well for most people, it should not be used by those who have a latex allergy. This is because aloe has natural latex in the walls of the plant. Sometimes, small amounts of this latex can end up in the aloe gel itself.

So if you are allergic to latex, please avoid using aloe, or at least do a patch test 24 hours before you plan on putting it on your private parts. The last thing you need is an allergic reaction down there!

Another thing you should pay attention to is what other ingredients are in your aloe product. Sometimes you can find pure aloe vera gel at the store – this is ideal.

But if you found a product that contains aloe gel along with other ingredients, make sure these additives are safe for your sensitive areas.

Here are a few common ingredients found in aloe products that should not go anywhere near your bikini area as they can cause irritation and throw off your pH balance, leading to infections:

  • Perfumes and fragrances
  • Petroleum or petroleum-based ingredients, like Vaseline
  • Propylene glycol
  • Parabens
  • Alcohol
  • Preservatives

When in doubt, use research the ingredients in your lotion to make sure they are safe. But the safest option is to use pure aloe vera gel without any additives.

How To Use Aloe Vera After Shaving Your Pubic Area

Here’s how you use aloe vera to soothe your pubic area after shaving:

  1. Start with clean skin. Wash it with water and a pH-balanced soap. Then pat dry.
  2. Open your aloe vera product. Take another moment to look over the ingredient list to ensure that it is either 100% pure aloe vera or it contains no harmful additives.
  3. Squeeze out a small dollop of the aloe vera gel, around the size of a dime. A little goes a long way!
  4. Gently spread the aloe vera gel over the pubic area where you have itchiness and red bumps. Avoid putting the product too close to the vaginal opening.
  5. Continue rubbing it in until the skin begins to absorb it. You should feel an immediate cooling sensation – that’s the aloe vera working.
  6. Repeat up to 2 times a day until the irritation goes away. 

If your razor burn doesn’t go away after a few days of using aloe vera on it, you might want to visit a doctor to make sure it is, in fact, a razor burn. Some infections can produce similar bumps and redness. If your post-shave irritation lasts longer than a week, definitely get it checked by a pro.

How To Use Aloe Vera Gel While Shaving 

Did you know that you can make a natural shaving cream using aloe vera to prevent razor burns? It’s a great way to get ahead of the problem so you don’t have to deal with the itchiness at all.

Here’s how to make a DIY aloe vera shaving cream:

  1. Mix 3 tbsp pure aloe vera gel with 1 tbsp olive oil. Mix it well so that it becomes a smooth emulsion.
  2. Spread it over the area you want to shave in a thin layer about 1mm thick.
  3. Gently glide your razor over it to remove unwanted hairs.
  4. Wash it off with warm water.

The hydrating and soothing combo of aloe very and olive oil should prevent any irritation, but if you still end up with some razor burn, feel free to use aloe vera for aftercare.

Pro tip: make sure you are using a sharp razor. Replace your razor every few months to ensure it’s still working properly. A dull razor is bad news for sensitive skin.

Is It Safe To Put Aloe Vera Inside The Vagina?

We don’t recommend it. Although aloe very is safe to put near the vagina, putting it inside the vagina is ill-advised. 

If a little bit gets in there, you’re probably going to be fine. After all, aloe vera is very gentle and has the same pH as your vagina. 

But putting a lot up there for an extended period of time can be harmful. Especially if your aloe vera product contains other ingredients in addition to aloe vera gel. The inside of a vagina is a sensitive area that doesn’t take well to most chemicals or foreign compounds. 

Aloe also has slight antibiotic properties which can mess up the balance of good bacteria in your vagina. When the balance is off, your lady bits can become prone to infections. 

If you end up getting some aloe vera in your vaginal canal, don’t panic. Wash it out with some water and go about your day. 

Final Thoughts

Aloe vera gel is a wonderful inexpensive solution to pubic razor burn. It works well and it’s all-natural. It is safe to use on sensitive areas near your privates and gives you a nice cooling sensation that immediately provides relief from post-shave itching.

When using aloe on your vag, just be mindful of any other ingredients that may be in your aloe product. Pure aloe gel is always best. Of course, avoid it if you have a latex allergy.

You can get pure aloe gel at a store or make it yourself out of your own aloe vera plant! Whatever you choose to do – remember that your pubic area is sensitive so you have to be gentle when applying anything to it.

Make sure you don’t get any product too close to your hoo-ha. And consider using aloe vera gel as a shaving cream to prevent the razor burn in the first place. 

Up Next: Best Aloe Vera Gels For Hair

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