Coloring or dyeing your hair is a fun service that many people do at the salon. Sometimes people do it to conceal grays, and others dye their hair to express themselves or experiment with new looks. However, it can go so wrong so fast.
Dyeing hair includes using a lot of chemicals that alter your hair strands. If these chemicals and dyes are misused, it can do a lot of harm to your strands. Coloring hair isn’t as easy as it looks. You will need to work with a pro.
However, even some professional hairstylists can mess up color if they aren’t experienced. So, what happens when you dye your hair, and you absolutely hate it? Most of us have probably had a bad haircut or dye job, which can be traumatizing.
You’ll most likely want to color your hair immediately if you don’t like your outcome. This is a natural response when you go through this shock, and you will want to do anything to fix it as soon as possible. However, patience will be your best friend.
So, can you dye your hair twice in one week? While you might be able to dye your hair twice in one week, it won’t be worth the cost of losing your hair’s integrity. Dyeing this often can cause your hair to become brittle and even fall out.
So, what are your options if you want to color your hair again quickly? Stick with us as we talk about what to do and how long to wait between dye jobs.
What Happens When You Dye Your Hair?
Dyeing your hair can mean various things. For example, you can bleach your hair, use a semi-permanent color, a permanent color, temporary color, and more. Each type of color can affect your hair differently, and some colors last longer than others.
We know that frequent hair coloring can damage your strands. For example, you may find that hair that has been bleached too many times will become stringy and gooey. Or, hair that has been colored too often may feel dry like straw, or the color can be patchy.
So, what really happens to the structure of our hair when we color it?
Healthline states, “applying permanent or semi-permanent hair dye or bleach creates a chemical reaction that causes these protective proteins to lift, allowing chemicals to penetrate the hair strand. There, the hair dye alters the chemical makeup of the hair.”
You may have noticed that you need a developer to color hair with permanent colors or bleach. This is a crucial product to use when dyeing hair, especially if you want to go lighter and lift your natural pigment before applying a new one.
As you can imagine, doing this process twice in one week can damage your strands.
Popular Color Services
Each color service is different, so you may be wondering if you can dye your hair more frequently with certain dyes than others. Let’s dive into the most popular dye jobs and see how often you can get away with dyeing your hair.
1. Bleaching
It seems like everyone wants to go blonde at one point or another. The most effective way to lighten your hair is with bleach. Bleach has the power to lift your hair a few levels lighter with developer or Hydrogen Peroxide.
However, this can be highly damaging. When misapplied, bleach can burn your hair or scalp, turn your hair orange, or completely alter your hair’s texture.
2. Bleach + Color
Another standard salon service is a bleach and dye. This is usually done when clients want to rock fashion colors or achieve a platinum hair color. Unfortunately, using bleach and color in one service can do a lot to your hair, and it’s a time-consuming process.
Both bleach and color can alter your hair’s texture so it can feel dry and brittle. Therefore, a hairstylist should only proceed with this service if they dye a test strand first and have experience doing these services together.
3. Permanent Color
Permanent color can last on average for 6-8 weeks. When applying a permanent color, you will need to use it with a developer to lift your hair’s current pigment so the new one can saturate the strands. Developers can raise your hair a few levels depending on the volume.
If you decide to lighten your hair, don’t expect a platinum result unless your natural color lifts well or it’s a natural blonde shade. Unfortunately, developers don’t offer as strong a lift as bleach can, so bleach is more common, but also more harmful.
While color and developer may not be as damaging as bleach, it still alters your hair’s structure, and you’ll want to avoid coloring it again in the same week.
4. Semi-Permanent/Temporary Dye
Semi-Permanent dyes will only deposit color into the hair, so there is no need for a developer most of the time. The semi-permanent color will only add color to your hair, and it will not lift or lighten your current shade.
Semi-permanent colors can last on average for 4-6 washes, depending on how often you wash your hair. Meanwhile, Temporary colors usually wash out with a few shampoos. However, these dyes can still change your hair’s texture or integrity.
5. Henna
Natural doesn’t automatically mean better. For example, henna is a natural hair dye that can alter the pigment of your strands.
According to Healthline, “henna can damage your hair, resulting in coarser, more brittle hair. When the henna dye is left on longer than an hour, the damage is similar to that of hair bleaching.”
Henna can be very difficult to get rid of, and the safest way to deal with henna dye is to ultimately wait for it to grow out.
How Soon Can I Dye My Hair Again To Fix It?
You’ll want to avoid dyeing your hair twice within the same week to avoid damaging your hair.
Also, dyeing your hair twice in the same week doesn’t guarantee you’ll be happy with your results. Your hair can become brittle, dry, or even fall out.
Unless stated otherwise by a professional, experienced, and licensed cosmetologist, avoid dyeing your hair twice in the same week. So, if it’s impossible to do so, how long will you need to wait?
1. Permanent & Bleach
Permanent colors last 6-8 weeks, and after this time, it’s generally safe to dye your hair again. Bleach is extremely harsh on the hair, so you will want to wait longer than permanent color.
So, two months is a safe estimate for bleach unless your stylist says otherwise. Bleach can do the most damage at once, so definitely avoid applying it twice in the same week.
2. Semi-Permanent
Semi-Permanent colors last 4-6 washes, so its longevity will depend on how often you wash your hair. It’s generally safe to color your hair again every two weeks because semi-permanent dye only deposits color.
There is no need to lift the hair with developer or bleach.
3. Temporary
Temporary colors are usually made to wash out of the hair with one shampoo. However, it can take a couple of washes if you use a pigmented shade.
Temporary colors are generally okay to use in the same week, although they still might not be healthy for your hair. If you are unsure, consult with your hairstylist!
How To Avoid Damage
Avoid dyeing your hair twice in one week to keep your hair’s health and integrity. Color, dye, and bleach can quickly ruin your hair if applied incorrectly or too frequently.
So, what steps can you take to avoid color mishaps or needing to color twice in one week? First, you’ll want to work with a professional hairdresser and perform test strands. Both of these tips will ensure you achieve the hair color of your dreams.
Consult A Stylist
First, seek advice from a trusted, licensed, and professional hairdresser. Tackling this problem at home or with box color can worsen the issue. In addition, a hairdresser will be able to understand the current state of your hair and what it can handle.
A hairstylist can not only save you from a color disaster but can also help create a routine for you to get your hair’s health back on track. Of course, it will take a lot of time and patience to acquire your desired results, but it will be worth the wait.
Perform A Test Strand
Sometimes, even a professional won’t know what to expect. So, what should happen in this scenario? Perform a test strand! A test strand involves testing a hair dye formula to one small section of hair to see how it will react to your strands.
If the result is negative, you have been saved from a hair disaster, but if it’s positive, you can continue with your hair dye service as planned. This will also give the stylist more information about your hair, how it reacts, and if the color formula needs to be altered.
Up Next: Can You Swim After Dyeing Your Hair?