Hair can be a finicky thing- especially when it comes to wash day. Though some lucky people may have their hair routines and products down to a science, there are other folks who aren’t quite sure of their hair type in the first place, which makes choosing products a fairly difficult process. This is especially true for those who are living with curly hair and don’t even know it.
It may seem unreal to think about, but it’s the truth. There are a ton of people on this planet (maybe even you) who are living without the knowledge that they’re actually sporting a head full of curls or waves! Luckily, there’s a surefire way to unleash that texture, and that’s with a shampoo that makes your hair curly.
So, does shampoo that makes hair curly work? Not all curl-enhancing shampoos will work on every hair type. Your curls will only come to their full capacity if your natural hair showcases the telltale signs of texture, but a cleanser won’t help truly straight hair curl in any capacity.
If you’re curious about whether curly hair shampoo will work for your specific hair type, you’ve come to the right place! Here, we’ll break down all you need to know about shampoo that’ll breathe new life into your curls (even if they’ve been long neglected).
Plus, we’ll give you our top recommendations for shampoos once you’re ready to take the plunge!
Who Curly Shampoos Will Work For
Do you ever have those days where you literally don’t even know what your hair is doing? Those days where it’s going in every direction? Where it’s frizzy in some areas but straight in some others?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the previous questions, then there’s a good chance that a curly hair shampoo can leave you with a whole new set of locks!
There are a couple of ways you can test whether or not you have a secret head of curls. The most obvious time to spot texture is once you’re fresh out of the shower, right when your hair is beginning its drying process.
When you brush through your locks while it’s in this state, one of two things can occur. The first is that the ends of your hair stay perfectly stick straight, or, the ends can frizz and bunch up. Letting your hair dry completely from this stage, entirely free from product, can also be revealing.
When your hair is dry, do you notice a very stark difference in moisture between your roots and ends? This can also be caused by lack of hair care, but if that dryness is paired with frizziness throughout the length of the strand- this could be a sign of hidden texture.
Curly Hair Runs In Family
If one of your parents has textured or curly hair, there’s a strong likelihood that you’ve inherited some of that texture in your own head of locks! Curly hair is actually a dominant gene trait, so it’s actually scientifically more likely for you to have texture in your hair than not.
And if both of your parents are rocking a head of curls or waves, you shouldn’t need to question your hair type at all- you’ve got textured hair, my friend!
Salt Water Reaction
Do you reach for sea salt spray when your hair needs a “crimped” or textured look? If sea salt gives your hair a consistent wave throughout the strand, odds are, a curly hair shampoo will work wonders on your hair!
The same goes for people whose hair curls or waves after a day at the beach. Unfortunately, people who have super straight or non-textured locks will find that salty water doesn’t do much for their hair texture, but rather just makes their hair feel super crunchy and dry.
Different Hair Textures Throughout Head
Perhaps the most telling sign of having hidden curly locks is that you’ll have multiple different hair types throughout your strands.
You could have a couple of hidden curls throughout your hair, but they’re likely to show up around the face, on the back of your neck, and in any other areas where your lengths come in contact with sweat and condensation.
The rest of your hair could either be straight or slightly wavy, but if you have some sections that are strictly ringlet-like, there’s a high chance that you have a whole head of curls that just need a little bit of TLC.
Who Curly Shampoos Won’t Work For
The day has yet to come where there’s a shampoo that magically gives everyone a head of healthy, lusciously crafted curls. That being said, there are a couple of different hair types that won’t curl regardless of what kind of shampoo you use.
Stubborn Hair
Though it can be said that curly hair types are the most stubborn, straight hair types can also be stubborn of their own accord.
Those who have truly non-curly hair will have trouble keeping texture in their locks. No matter what they do, and in spite of the slew of methods they may try, it could feel impossible for their hair to hold a curl.
They could attempt hot rollers, heatless methods, or curling wands and irons, and still find that their hair falls flat or that their curls lose body by the end of the day. If this sounds like a personal struggle of yours, it’s safe to say that you may not have a hidden head of curls.
Hair That Looks Straight
If you don’t deal with frizz outside of the handful of strands sticking up on the root of your head, you can also make the fair decision that you have non-curly hair.
Take a feel of your hair strand from root to tip, if you don’t notice a change in moisture and feel throughout the length of it, or if your hair looks straight and feels super hydrated, you definitely have straight hair overall.
Frizziness is a telltale sign of texture when it’s constant, but if your frizziness came of its own accord after years of having straight, non-frizzy hair, it could be a sign of damage rather than hidden curliness.
For more info, check out our article, Can You Use Curly Products On Straight Hair?
Texturizing Products Don’t Do A Thing
When people with curly hair try out curly-hair products like mousse or curl-enhancing oils and creams for the first time, the results are almost miraculous. Their hair will immediately curl, soaking up the moisture, and generally revealing its natural state.
However, if you have straight hair, products designed for textured locks won’t do much. In fact, they could weigh your hair down, leave it looking crunchy rather than hydrated, and will likely give zero texture or curl at all.
If these products leave your hair looking less than perfect, it’s a fair assumption that you just have strikingly straight, or generally texture-free, locks.
What Makes Curly Hair Shampoo Different From Other Shampoos?
The reason that curly hair products and formulations exist is that they were quite literally designed to be better for curly hair! Though curly-headed folks can use traditional shampoos every so often, it’ll likely compromise the health, look, and shape of their curls.
Clean Formulas
Curly hair formulas are typically a lot cleaner than the standard shampoo formula. This is because curly hair tends to soak up every last bit of the products they come in contact with, so those with textured hair only want to expose their strands to the very best!
That means that curly shampoos are most always sulfate, silicone, and mineral oil free. Though these ingredients are normal to put into cleansers, they could cause unnecessary buildup on locks with high absorbency rates (aka textured hair). This can lead to crispy curls, and a weighed-down look.
Moisturizing Focus
Shampoos for curly hair also centralize on one key concern: moisture. Curly hair tends to lose moisture at a much faster rate than other types of hair, so a hydrating shampoo is nothing short of a necessity. It’ll keep frizz down, and assist in the bounciness and overall feel of your curls.
One of the biggest reasons those with hidden curls don’t realize they have curly hair is because, due to an intense lack of moisture, they confuse their hair with being super frizzy rather than secretly textured.
A clarifying shampoo is also a must for those with curly locks, as they remove all that buildup that has formed throughout the years of not knowing you had textured locks. This can help your hair absorb moisture and curly-hair-friendly ingredients, enhancing the shape of your curl (even after years of damage).
Clarifying shampoos, even the most gentle ones, should never be used more than once or twice every two weeks. They strip the hair of moisture, which is what curly hair needs. That may seem counterproductive for textured locks, but it’s necessary if you use a lot of product to keep your curls intact.
Best Shampoos That Make Hair Curly
Rank | Product | Key Features |
1. | Not Your Mother’s Curl Definition Shampoo | 98% natural ingredients, hydrating, good for all curl types |
2. | Shea Moisture Curl and Shine Shampoo | Clean formula, rich lather, good for black curls |
3. | L’Oreal Ever Curl Shampoo | Lightweight, anti-frizz, coconut oil hydration |
4. | Pattern Beauty Hydration Shampoo | Lightly clarifying, color-safe, deeply hydrating |
5. | MATRIX A Curl Can Dream Shampoo | Treats scalp, clarifying, preserves curl pattern |
6. | Ouidad Curl Quencher | Clean formula, high-quality ingredients, deeply hydrating |
7. | Maui Moisture Curl Quench | Detangling, vegan and silicone-free, good for thick hair |
1. Not Your Mother’s Curl Definition Shampoo
If you’re not sure just how curly your hair is, it’s best to grab something that is compatible with all types of curly hair. Thankfully, that’s exactly what this formula from Not Your Mother’s offers!
We’ve linked a set (both shampoo and conditioner) of a formula that cleanses hair just enough to remove any buildup and residue and is nurturing enough to instill moisture and hydration where it’s most necessary.
It won’t weigh down your hair and instead will enhance any natural texture you have.
2. Shea Moisture Curl and Shine Shampoo
Shea Moisture is a brand that’s beloved by people with curly hair because of its high-quality formulations and prevalent care in what it puts in its products.
The brand’s ‘Curl and Shine Shampoo’ is a classic for those with textured hair to start out with and can ease you into the waters of curly hair care with ease.
This shampoo boasts a super clean formula, that’s also vegan and cruelty-free, that works to improve the health of your hair (which is a must if you didn’t know you had curly hair to begin with).
3. L’Oreal Ever Curl Shampoo
A brand known for its impact in the beauty community is L’Oreal, and their haircare products showcase their dedication to making users feel their absolute best.
For textured locks or those wanting to make their hair curly, we have high recommendations for their “Ever Curl” shampoo.
This product is super gentle on curly hair, so as not to ruin your natural curl pattern and texture and is rich with coconut oil to deliver tons of moisture to your strands.
The formula is also super clean, so you can use it without the worry of buildup.
4. Pattern Beauty Hydration Shampoo
If the first word you would use to describe your hair is dry, then you’re going to need a shampoo that’s ready to tackle those concerns.
This shampoo by Pattern is an incredible option, since it contains ultra-nourishing ingredients like aloe vera, coconut oil, and honey (which is a naturally reparative additive).
However, the main reason why we have this shampoo is on this list is because it has a lightly clarifying formula that removes buildup and dirt from the strands and the scalp without compromising the moisture and hydration of your hair.
5. MATRIX A Curl Can Dream Shampoo
MATRIX is a brand that’s beloved by professional hair stylists for their meticulously designed formulas and the healthy feel their products inject your locks with.
Their ‘A Curl Can Dreamm’ shampoo isn’t just appropriately named, but it lives up to all the high expectations the brand places on its products.
This shampoo is super moisturizing, thanks to the help of Manuka honey extract (which is among the most reparative types of honey on the market).
In spite of its intensely hydrating capabilities, it’s also super clarifying. In fact, it can strip hair of buildup and residue so well, that we would consider this a shampoo you shouldn’t reach for more than once a week or less!
6. Ouidad Curl Quencher
If you’re convinced that you have a super thick head of curls, you’re going to want to look for products that focus on deeply hydrating your hair.
This curl quenching formula from Ouidad does just that and more!
This shampoo is great for super kinky, curly hair and can have immensely restorative effects if you’ve spent your whole life neglecting your curls.
Those who have neglected curly hair deal with frizz heavier than the rest of us, and this shampoo targets that concern first and foremost.
7. Maui Moisture Curl Quench
Those who want their hair as refreshed and unstressed as a tropical vacation can count on the assistance of Maui moisture to help their locks look and feel their best.
The main concerns that this shampoo target is de-frizzing, undefined curls, and a crispy texture that’s common with curly hair.
We’re huge fans of the formulation of Maui products, as they’re always vegan, and free from poor ingredients for curly hair types (like silicones, parabens, and mineral oils).
It also contains aloe vera, coconut milk, and flower and fruit extracts.
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